Functional Therapy

Custom Orthotics

Support your feet and posture with our custom-made orthotics.

Available at these clinics:



About the service


A custom foot orthotic is designed to align your foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient position. They fit into your shoes as comfortably as an insole, but are biomechanical medical appliances that are custom made to correct your specific foot imbalance.

We use an innovative diagnostic tool, The TOG GaitScanTM, in conjunction with our physical foot assessment to create a digital cast which allows us to analyze the biomechanics of your feet. This helps us create a custom orthotic that is specific to your needs.


Custom orthotics can help to relieve foot, ankle, knee, hip, and lower back pain by improving alignment and providing additional support. They can also help to prevent injuries and enhance athletic performance by improving balance and reducing stress on the feet and joints.

Two legs with good posture


The process of getting custom orthotics involves a detailed assessment of your feet, including an examination of your gait (the way you walk), foot shape and structure, and any areas of discomfort. A mold or scan of your feet is then taken to create the custom inserts.

Types of Orthotics

There are several types of custom orthotics available, including:

  • Rigid Orthotics: These are made from harder materials and are designed to control motion in specific joints of the foot or lower leg.
  • Semi-Rigid Orthotics: These are made from a combination of soft and hard materials and provide a balance of control and cushioning.
  • Soft Orthotics: These are made from soft materials and provide cushioning and shock absorption.

If you are experiencing foot or lower body pain or discomfort, custom orthotics may be a good option for you. They can help to improve alignment and provide additional support, preventing injuries and enhancing athletic performance. Book a consultation with one of our healthcare professionals to determine if custom orthotics are right for you.

Our Team

Our amazing team of Functional Therapy practitioners ready to help you